Cape Town Kinesiology | Testimonials -

“My sessions with Joy has, literally, change my life. I am and feel so much lighter, happier, more concious and more in-tune after the release of so many old (some of them centuries old!) issues. My relationship with my husband and everyone else in my life, has vastly improved, probably because I am feeling so much better about myself. But the most remarkable change has been in terms of my health. In a mere 3 weeks I have gone from a lethargic, sneezing, coughing, dark-circles-under-my-eyes couch potato smoker to a happy, healthy jogging (!!) non-smoker. After nearly 20 years of smoking I went from 30 a day to 0 in one fell swoop and I know that I will never smoke again. All my previous attempts were unsuccessful because I hadn’t dealt with the issues behind my smoking and Joy, in her loving, focussed and super-efficient manner removed them one-by-one.

I would gladly recommend to – and encourage – anyone to see Joy. The benefits are immeasurable and one truly does feel as if one’s been at a spa / received a great gift / entered the realm of the angels, after one of Joy’s sessions. She truly is a gifted Light worker.”

S. Minnaar

“Joy has been a huge joy in my life. There are no words to describe how much she has helped me really shift into a whole new being. My life has taken on new meaning and I feel incredible. If I hadn’t been lucky enough to be introduced to her, who knows where I’d be now.

It has been worth every penny with her. She is brilliant at what she does and I highly recommend you rather give yourself the gift of a session with her instead of going for a massage or facial – the rewards are worth it and you are worth it too.”


Jordan Kirstein


Hi Joy

I cannot thank you enough for the work that you have done on me.
My back pain is so much better (virtually gone) for the first time last night
I lifted my daughter out of the bath pain free! You have worked miracles in
So many areas of my life and I wanted to say thank you. I feel lighter when I have spent time with you and am so much more aware of what is going on in me because of you!
Your commitment to your work, your genuine intention and your absolute faith in what you do has given me such inspiration. I am in awe of how you have grown through your work and how quickly you have mastered your gifts. I refer people with absolute confidence and excitement because I know that they will be transformed through your healing.
Bless you!
Kate Cameron “Crystal Kate”

Dearest Joy, It gives me great pleasure to give you a testimonial on your treatment of me! Ihave visited you a number of times and found you to be highly professional, focussed and committed to assisting me to draw on your bountiful positive energy, to utilise my own positive energy and to use this in times of need.
You succeeded in demonstrating to me, the power of this exercise in helping me to attain those benefits that are to my highest good, to improve my relationships with my nearest and dearest and understand the negative elements I have retained from the past
and to follow a diet and use your prescribed remedies to improve my health and rid my body of negative toxins etc., and to remain committed in all that I do, to demonstrate my gratitude for all that I am blessed with. thank you for your help and enthusiasm – I am grateful to you.
with much love,

I have had several different forms of treatment and diagnosis with Joy, sometimes over distance and once face to face. My most dramatic experience was certainly the face-to-face treatment, which was for the purpose of treating a skin rash that I had developed over several months. Using her pendulum, Joy isolated several events and relationships that seemed to have led to gradual deterioration in state of mind and bodily health. The treatments were for the most part pleasant and interesting with a few moments when strong emotions seemed to come close to the surface. The full effect of the treatment however only became apparent the following morning when I awoke at 5:30 am with my stomach growling and my head wide awake. As it was impossible to stay in bed, I took a long walk to watch the sunrise and felt clearer in spirit than I had in a many years. The skin rash cleared up after few days and various interpersonal dynamics which had been causing a great deal of stress in my work transformed over the following weeks into situations which I felt much better able to manage.

Joy has a remarkable strong intuition in the work she does as well as a highly developed knowledge for the methods of healing that she uses. This combined with her sincere and generous way makes an affect which I would recommend to anyone feeling the need to regain a strong grasp on the reigns of daily life.

Gregg Smith