Cape Town Kinesiology | Fatigue -

Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy.

The potential causes of fatigue are numerous. The majority of diseases known to man often list fatigue or malaise as possible associated symptoms. This is complicated by the fact that fatigue can occur in normal healthy individuals as a normal response to physical and mental exertion. However, normal fatigue may begin to become abnormal if it becomes chronic, extreme or prolonged fatigue; usually this occurs when a person experiences chronic or prolonged physical or mental exertion. For example, unusually hard physical or mental exertion for one day can result in normal fatigue that may last about a day or sometimes more, depending on the exertion level, while daily unusually hard physical or mental exertion may result in prolonged fatigue (usually greater than 24 to 48 hours). This latter situation may develop into abnormal fatigue.

The causes of fatigue can be classified under several broad disease entities or lifestyle problems that have fatigue as an associated symptom.

I can treat fatigue with Kinesiology ( finding the root of the cause), EFT, Quantum Touch and crystal healing to ensure that you are no longer affected by it.