November, 2010 -

Archive for November, 2010

About Epona Health

Posted by admin on November - 26 - 2010

I believe that most people need help to heal or recover from emotional and physical imbalances. Pain can be as debilitating emotionally as it is physically. I like to look at the body as a whole and work out the best way forward for each individual. The first thing I do when I see a client is to balance their hips using Quantum Touch. I balance the front and the  [ Read More ]

Quantum Touch

Posted by admin on November - 26 - 2010

Quantum Touch is a method of hands on healing by employing only a very light touch and using the correct breathing techniques, I can profoundly accelerate the body’s own healing response. The effect is so immediate and extraordinary that clients seen bones in their body spontaneously realigning themselves with only a light touch. Since the body naturally knows where to place these bones they then rest in their rightful place.  [ Read More ]

Our Diet

Posted by admin on November - 26 - 2010

Diet is so important to our health. Eating correctly allows the best possible intake of nutrients to allow your body and brain to be as healthy as possible- and to work as well as it can! By nutrients we mean protein, carbohydrates, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and water. These are substances from which your body is built. Your body is an incredible, regenerating organism that is constantly self- regulating and  [ Read More ]

Why Epona?

Posted by admin on November - 26 - 2010

“Epona, the fairy queen knows the value of connecting with the spirit of nature” Epona is a fairy queen goddess who oversees and protects horses and has a passion for crystals. Temples were built in her honour during Roman and Celtic eras where horses were essential to everyday life. Epona is also a protector of the environment and nature spirits. You can call upon Epona for help with horses, or  [ Read More ]

Applied Kinesiology

Posted by admin on November - 26 - 2010

Applied kinesiology is a general impersonal response to the ‘field of consciousness’ itself- bypassing the personality or brain of the client. Applied kinesiology taps into the universal ever present permanent field of energy which we call consciousness. The applied kinesiology test is a general response of this consciousness to a statement, the energy of a substance or an investigation into the level of consciousness. The energy field of consciousness records  [ Read More ]